lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011 hackeado!

No se si habrán notado que no esta online desde hace unos dias, pues bien la explicación me acaba de llegar por correo, un correo que le envían a los clientes. En el cual explica que han sido hackeados y que volverán cuando esto se resuelva. Mencionan que los pedidos los pueden procesar por correo electronico y que estan trabajando para resolver lo antes posible.

"Dear members,

Due the fact of Hackers attacks, Pandawill website is down, but we are working as hard as we can to get this problem solved ASAP, in the meantime, we don't want to let our customers empty handed, so you can place your order through our email address and we will be glad to reply you and follow up with all necessary information.

We are extremely disappointed with this situation but we believe that now we will be stronger than ever. Thanks for your trust and count on us.Sorry for all the inconvenience this situation has caused to you. We will let our customers know as soon as we succeed in fighting against the hackers.

Best regards,

Pandawill Team

Aguante pandawill :)