"A previous release of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is installed on this computer. Upgrade Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to the SP1 before installing SQL Server 2008"
Amablemente desinstalé las veriones de 2003 y 2005 de vistual studio y actulice al SP1 del Visual Studio 2008.
Una vez hecho esto, para mi, era lógico que se tendría que instalar, asi que intenté una vez mas y nada.. !!
Despues [.... Aqui enferme con fiebre, mas fiebre etc...] de darle un receso al asunto, tuve que saltarme esa comprobación mediante la instalación por linea de comando de la siguiente manera:
x:\setup.exe /ACTION=install /SkipRules=VSShellInstalledRule
con ese el instalador se brinca la comprobación e instla el SQL 2008.. uff!!
Gracias Gabriel Rodriguez punto Net
Actualización, si utilizan este metodo y reciben el siguiente error
"Another version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 has been detected on this system that must be updated to SP1. Please update all Visual Studio 2008 installations to SP1 level, by visiting Microsoft Update"
Revisen este comentario:
"Visual Studio 2008 can have several subsystems installed and all of them must be on the SP1 level. You can check the following registry keys to see what is installed on your machine and what systems are not on SP1 level. All sub keys like IDE, STD, PRO,... under SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\9.0\ have language subkey like 1033, 1031,.. and there is SP registry value. The SP value has to be at least 1. An example of the whole key path is SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\9.0\IDE\1033"
Autor: Milos Cimfl - MSFT